How much insurance do you carry?


We carry a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy.
How many driveway clearings come with a seasonal agreement?
Your agreement provides you with unlimited driveway clearings from Nov 15th thru April 15th under 5 inches.

When do I need to sign up for service?


We highly urge everyone to sign up for services as early as possible. This allows us to hire the appropriate number of operators, invest in proper equipment, as well as stake your property prior to the season beginning. We always do our best to service are inquiries, however, as the season begins and our crews become maxed out, we may be obligated to refuse new customers. However, we always ensure to have availability to add on new accounts, especially during higher volume snow.

Do you accept credit cards?


We accept Visa, Discover, American Express and Mastercard payments. (Please Note: Larger $ contracts may be required to use a check instead of a credit card.)

Rather than use a seasonal contract, can we give you a call and have our driveway cleared as needed?


Of course we offer on call service, however it is important to take into account the different cost structure. For on call visits we calculate the fee for service based on the driveway size, slope and amount of snow that has fallen.

Because of this, many customers find the break-even point with a seasonal contract to be only six or seven visits to the site. You also may find that with only on call service, a sheet of ice has formed beneath the snow creating a much larger problem.

Many of our clients enjoy the following benefits of having their driveway cleared all winter:
Unlimited emergency access to their home in case of fire, plumbing freeze-up, etc.
No phone calls or emails to coordinate on-time clearing hoping that we are available between storm cycles.
No concern over changing arrival and/or departure times.

What time will my driveway be cleared?


Most of our operations take place in between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. During severe weather conditions, all of our clients will be cleared off by 8:00 a.m. However, when in “blizzard mode”, timing might shift as we’re typically plowing for long periods of time.

Why do you perform operations in the middle of the night?


Traffic and safety concerns make nighttime the best time for our operators to be out. While our trucks are light and highly maneuverable, they are constantly backing out of driveways. Operating during the middle of the night allows us to work quickly and without the risk or delays of vehicular traffic.

Do you remove berms?


While we cannot coordinate our efforts with the County, our crew monitors their snow removal progress. Based on that information we decide whether or not the berms are a significant hindrance to homeowners and whether they should be eliminated immediately or during the next day of snow clearing. However, there are times when we are not able to return the same day because of operator fatigue, heavy snowfall, slow road clearing response from the County, etc.

What if the County berms me in after my driveway has been cleared?


We will make every effort to return to your home and clear the berm. Please realize that a number of factors (including snowfall conditions, number of available operators, etc) will influence our ability to do this. If we cannot return to your home on the same day, the berm will be removed on our next pass through your route.

Should I be protecting my landscaping from your equipment?


Our snow blowers will not damage your landscaping. That being said, you should always stake and tie off shrubs, bushes, and trees before the snow season starts. We work with landscapers in the spring to ensure that

Will my driveway or lot always be snow free?


In an ideal world the snow would fall in short blocks, then have long breaks. In our world, the snow falls inconsistently and sporadically. If there is an inch or more of snow on the ground, we come out.

How close can you get to my garage door?


Our plows back-drag snow as close as we can get without damaging. However each team is equipped with shovels and snow blowers to ensure that the snow is cleared off completely from your garage door.

Do I need to call before coming up to my home?


Although it is always nice to hear from our customers, no phone calls or emails are necessary. We remove the snow from all of the driveways in our routes without regard to their occupancy. This helps ensure no ice sheets or other problems are created. If you need to get out for an appointment or are concerned about access during a major storm event you may call to let us know of your specific needs and we will do our best to accommodate.

What if there’s another car parked in my driveway when you come to remove the snow?


We will safely work around the parked car(s) and clean up any remaining snow on our next pass. Because our routes are often cleared in the middle of the night, we will not disturb the occupants of the house to move their cars. If possible, we ask that you park on one side of the driveway rather than the middle. This allows us to clear the unoccupied side rather than nothing at all.

If there’s heavy snow falling, and a couple of feet in my driveway, but I need to leave, what can you do for me?


If there’s heavy snow in your driveway, there’s probably also heavy snow on the roads. Until the County clears the roadways, it may not be safe for you to operate your vehicle on the road. We encourage you to proceed only if you can do so safely.